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GridView that toggles percentages of counts

I am using a SqlDataSource that returns a table of raw counts. One of these columns is the "total". I would like to give the user the ability to show these counts as a percentage of total using some sort of toggle switch.

My initial idea was to have two CSS classes and somehow put <span class="raw"> and <span class="perc"> around each value and then make one or the other invisible using Javascript. I m not sure how I would go about doing this though.

I would appreciate any suggestions as to how I could approach this.


My suggestion would be to add a handler to the RowDataBound event of the GridView control and change what the column displays based on the toggle value.


Have you tried changing the column visibility based on a button press event?

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GridView that toggles percentages of counts

I am using a SqlDataSource that returns a table of raw counts. One of these columns is the "total". I would like to give the user the ability to show these counts as a percentage of total using some ...
