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In Grails, how to invoke a controller action from a g:select

I m using a g:select (actually, a g:currencySelect) in my view.

I want a controller action to fire as soon as the user changes the value in the resulting select box.

How can I do this?


I think I m answering my own question here, but do let me know if there s a better way of doing this:

Use the onchange javascript function in the select tag:

<g:form controller="changeCurrency" action="changeCurrency">
    <g:select onchange="submit()"/>

Another way can be:

    <g:select name="someName" from="${list}" onchange="goToPage(this.value)"/>

    <script type="text/javascript">

    function goToPage(requestParams){
    window.location.href="${createLink(controller: controllerName  ,action: actionName  ,params:[paramsName:""])}" + requestParams;


In case you want an ajax request, try this:

<g:select name="type" from="${[ import-a ,  import-b ]}"
onchange="jQuery( #addArea ).load( /app/import/chooseImportType/  +
jQuery( #type ).val())"/>

In controller:

def chooseImportType (){
 render params.id

Worked in Grails 2.0.4

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