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Nonblocking webserver on .Net for Comet applications

I am trying to implement a Comet style (e.g. chat) application using IronPython. While I don t need to scale to twitter like dimensions, it is vital that the response time is lightening fast. All the possibilities in Python (Twisted, Tornado, Magnum-Py) do not work with IronPython, often because of epoll support.

Is there a default choice in the .Net world for comet style applications? Or a pure python implementation with long-pulling support? I have tried NTornado, but performance is currently very poor (100-1000x slower than Tornado).


There sure is. Check out WebSync, a full comet solution for .NET/IIS. To my knowledge, it s the only full implementation of comet for .NET available today. You can use the on-demand version for free (up to a limit), or pick up the server version to host it yourself. It s pretty inexpensive too, no runtime fees, etc.



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