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C# Play MP3 from Resources with MCI or WMP control?

I have a MP3 file in my Resources of Visual C#. I m trying to find out if there is a way I can play this MP3 in a Windows Media Player control or with MCI, I m not particular. I m fairly new to C#. Thanks!


This page shows you how in just a few lines of code:


Hope this helps.

Edit: Be sure to copy the .mp3 to your bin before you run it.

And here is the source code. Be sure to add a reference to wmp.dll in your project.

WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer wmp = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();
wmp.URL = "test.mp3";

this is a component for playing MP3 with C# on Windows Forms (it includes a demo app).


hope this helps

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