I ve been trying to set up some sort of geometry batching for a week or so, there isn t a ton of information online as to how other people have implemented this. Basically I just want to catch every draw call, sort the corresponding meshes by texture, and then draw all meshes that share a texture in one go.
What I ve been doing is going through each vertex in the mesh, transform it by the Model-View matrix (to put it into world space), and then store that vertex in a larger array to await some later rendering. This works, but it runs terribly slowly... as it seems like I m doing in software what openGL would be doing in hardware (all the matrix transforms). Is there some other way to do batching that doesn t require you to do the transforms by hand? Can I say "hey, GL, here are a bunch of vertices and here s how they should be transformed" and then send it on its merry way?
I should mention I m doing this on iPhone, so I m bound by openGLES and the limited hardware. I ve watched the Stanford ngmoco presentation on optimizations, and I ve been following this guide to model my own texture batcher.
Here s an example of what I m doing. This is for skinned meshes... I use PowerVR s .pod format which exports an interleaved array of the vertex information.
TextureBatcher * tb = [TextureBatcher getSharedTextureBatcher];
// The next line gives me the indices of the verts used by this batch
GLushort * indices = (GLushort*) (mesh.sFaces.pData + (uint) &((GLushort *)0)[3 * mesh.sBoneBatches.pnBatchOffset[batchNum]]);
[tb addIndices:indices Count:i32Tris * 3];
NSMutableSet * alreadyVisitedIndices = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:i32Tris*3];
for(int i = 0; i < i32Tris*3; i++){
if([alreadyVisitedIndices containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:indices[i]]]){
} else {
GLfloat * verts = (GLfloat*)(mesh.pInterleaved + (uint)mesh.sVertex.pData + (indices[i]*mesh.sVertex.nStride));
GLfloat * normals = (GLfloat*)(mesh.pInterleaved + (uint)mesh.sNormals.pData + (indices[i]*mesh.sNormals.nStride));
GLfloat * uvs = (GLfloat*)(mesh.pInterleaved + (uint)mesh.psUVW[uvSet].pData + (indices[i]*mesh.psUVW[uvSet].nStride));
PVRTVec4 vert = PVRTVec4(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], 1);
PVRTVec4 normal = PVRTVec4(normals[0], normals[1], normals[2], 0); //w=0 to skip translation
GLfloat u = uvs[0];
GLfloat v = uvs[1];
PVRTVec4 newVert = PVRTVec4(0.f);
PVRTVec4 newNormal = PVRTVec4(0.f);
for(int j = 0; j < mesh.sBoneIdx.n; j++){
PVRTMat4 mat = boneMatrices[(mesh.pInterleaved + (uint)mesh.sBoneIdx.pData + (indices[i]*mesh.sBoneIdx.nStride))[j]];
GLfloat weight = ((GLfloat*)(mesh.pInterleaved + (uint)mesh.sBoneWeight.pData + (indices[i]*mesh.sBoneWeight.nStride)))[j];
PVRTMat4 weightedMatrix = mat * weight;
newVert += weightedMatrix * vert;
// TODO this should use the inverse transpose but whatever it works.
newNormal += weightedMatrix * normal;
[tb addVertex: newVert Normal: newNormal U: u V: v];
else {
[tb addVertex: (mModelView * vert) Normal: (mModelView * normal) U: u V: v];
[alreadyVisitedIndices addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:indices[i]]];