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Invalid Object Name: Beginner using the AdventureWords db from a class

I m trying to learn some C#.net. I m just trying to expose the AdventureWorks database included in my C# class via a web interface. Here s the setup:

I ve got a DropDownList in on my ASPX page with an id of tableNameDropDown. It gets populated on Page_Load like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        String table_names_sql = "select Name from sysobjects where type= u  ORDER BY name";
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(table_names_sql, conn);
        SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

        while (reader.Read())



        tableNameDropDown.AutoPostBack = true;

And that works just fine, I get a nice long list of the tables in the DB. When someone selects a table from the list, I want to display that table in a GridView control with an id of grid. This is what I ve got:

protected void tableNameDropDown_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

        String tableName = columnNameDropDown.SelectedItem.ToString();
        String table_sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM {0};", tableName);
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(table_sql, conn);
        adapter.Fill(dataSet, tableName);

        grid.DataSource = dataSet;
        grid.DataMember = tableName;

When I debug the page, I get an error on the adapter.Fill(dataSet, tableName); line: SqlException: Inlvalid object name {tableName} .

The tables in the DB are the following:

.... more dbo. tables

.... more HumanResources tables

.... more Person tables

... Other prefixes are "Pdoduction, Purchasing, Sales"

There are probably ~50+ tables, and I get all their names (without the prefixes) into my DropDownList no problem, but I can t seem to query them.

Any ideas?


You ve already answered yourself: you need to use also the prefix in the select statement you re executing, like

Select * From Person.Address

Beside that you should not use the sysobject tables, from SQL Server 2005 you have system views that helps you, so you can write a better statement to select tables:


Check also this article.

Regards Massimo



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