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Role/Permission based forms authorizing/authentication?

While looking into forms authorizing/authentication, I found that it is possible to do role based authorizing by adding an array of roles to a FormsAuthenticationTicket. That way I can write

User.IsInRole(role from database)

But is there any way to do the same thing with permissions on a role like :

if (User.IsInRole(role from database)) {
    if (User.CanRead()) {
        //--- Let the user read
    if (User.CanWrite()) {
        //--- Let the user write

I have read a couple of articles and forum post s where permission is added to the array instead of the roles, resulting in using

User.IsInRole(permission from database)

However that s not the same thing. Hope someone can give some input on this matter, throw a link to an article or better yet, an code sample.


You re better off changing the way you think about a role. Use the term "permission" or "claim" if that helps. Then create all the roles you need and link a given user to all the necessary roles.

One user can belong to multiple roles. This way, the following simple code will work fine and you don t need to build your own unique way of how things work.

if(User.IsInRole(someRole) && User.IsInRole(someOtherRole))
  // do something

You can make some C# extension methods to make this more readable too:

   // do something

The extension methods can look something like the following. Create a new class with the following code, then include the class namespace in your code, and you can use the extension method as shown above.

using System.Security.Principal;

namespace MyCompany
  public static class MyExtensions
    public static bool IsInSomeRoleAndOtherRole(this IPrincipal principal)
      if (!principal.IsInRole("someRole"))
        return false;

      if (!principal.IsInRole("someOtherRole"))
        return false;

      return true; // the user meets the requirements


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