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TFSReg in 2010 Beta 2?
  • 时间:2009-11-05 23:09:22
  •  标签:
  • tfs
  • tfs-2010

does anybody know what is the equivalent of the TFSReg.exe command-line tool in 2010 Beta 2? I cannot find it anywhere, I searched the entire Program Files tree. Was it renamed? Moved? Replaced by something else? Thanks...


It s actually been removed from TFS 2010 (since you ll be able to set a lot of those details using the TFS Administration Console UI.) If you re needed to configure a custom service, then you can use the details that Jim Lamb provides in this MSDN Forum Post: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-IE/tfsprerelease/thread/fcec76a1-a772-4ecf-84f3-ad48d67762dc

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