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Bookmarklet to grab the current website address but without http://

The other day you were very helpful. Now I have another question. I have a bookmarklet to grab the current URL or I should say host name (without the http:// part - which is ok) like:

javascript:q=(document.location.host); void(open( http://mysite.com/search.php?search= +location.host, _self , resizable,location,menubar,toolbar,scrollbars,status ));

The problem is that this bookmarklet only grabs the host name like google.com and not the whole address like google.com/sub/page.htm. Is there any way I can left the http:// part out and grab the remaining url?


If you assume that it s http (not https), then the following should work:


Of course, you need to write q instead of location.host in what follows.

If you want to do it more robustly, use the properties of the Location object and concatenate the ones you want.

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