I would like some data structures to be studied by Code::Blocks and made available via its code completion feature.
Something similar could be done in SlickEdit.
How to do that in Code::Blocks?
I would like some data structures to be studied by Code::Blocks and made available via its code completion feature.
Something similar could be done in SlickEdit.
How to do that in Code::Blocks?
Ok, I found the answer here http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_get_Code_Completion_to_work.3F
In short, project properties dialog contains "C/C++ parser options" where a path can be added. After the project is reopened - the path is be parsed and code completions becomes aware of the new symbols. Magic.
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I would like some data structures to be studied by Code::Blocks and made available via its code completion feature. Something similar could be done in SlickEdit. How to do that in Code::Blocks?