There are few ways doing it, two of them:
- Parsing using grammar (useful for complex language)
- Parsing using regular expression and basic string manipulations (for simpler language)
According to your example, the language is very basic so splitting the string according to keyword can be the best solution.
string sentence = "house in new york priced over $500000 with a swimming pool";
string[] values = sentence.Split(new []{" in ", " priced over ", " with a "},
string type = values[0];
string area = values[1];
string price = values[2];
string accessories = values[3];
However, some issues that may arise are: how to verify if the sentence stands in the expected form? What happens if some of the keywords can appear as part of the values?
If this is the case you encounter there are some libraries you can use to parse input using a defined grammar. Two of these libraries that works with .Net are ANTLR and Gold Parser, both are free. The main challenge is defining the grammar.