I have a network directory that has a dump of all employee pics here at our company. The images are named FirstnameLastinitial.jpg
. I ultimately am trying to build a photo browser of these pics in Silverlight but I thought I would start with how to harvest the Pictures from that location.
I would imagine that I should generate an XML file based off the pictures in that folder or maybe I should be using a DB. Then I could use, maybe, the Wall3D control in Blend to Display them. That would only be one possible way to display them.
If I create a shell of an XML, like below, can I also then allow my app to modify the XML after generation?
<ImageName>Test 2</ImageName>
<ImageDescription>This is a picture of someone</ImageDescription>
Another thought that occured to me. Is Silverlight even capable of reading images from a location or do they have to be included in the XAP? What if I used RIA services to, somehow, feed the images to my Silverlight app?
Has anyone attempted something similar? I know what I WANT to do but I will admit this is all very new ground to me and as such I would appreciate any pointers, guidance, insight or if nothing else links to help point me in the right direction.
Here is a similar example to what I am shooting for --> http://tozon.info/gallery/
I have the below, which can read an image in but only from an http, like so -->
BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
bi.UriSource = new Uri("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d6/Dragon_Age.jpg");
MyImage.Source = bi;
What I want to be able to do is read them from either a local network share(\serversharefilename.jpg) or from a folder in the Web portion on the server.