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Is %20 in site urls and and file name can create any problem on any server or browser(web/mobile) or OS or device etc?

Is %20 in site urls and and file name can create any problem on any server or browser or device etc ?

Is it bad for SEO ?


A %20 is a URL encoded space character. Because a URL can only contain certain characters, other characters must be encoded in order to be included in a URL. For example the following text:

this contains spaces

would be URL encoded as:


An alternative encoding for a space character is the + character. This often preferred because it isn t as ugly , a bit easiery to read, and a bit shorter. The same string encoded this way would be:


If you have a URL that includes the actual string %20, the % character needs to be URL encoded. The percent character is encoded with %25. So the following text:


would be URL encoded as:


URL encoding is a standard on the internet and is required for correct operation. URL encoding should not cause any problems, however, not URL encoding will cause problems.


It shouldn t as its standard way of encoding spaces in urls? If it did it would "break the web(tm)"

%20 is the solution, not the problem :)

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