I currently have my ZSH PROMPT variable set up as:
PROMPT=$ [%{e[0;32m%}%n@%m:%~%{e[0m%}]>
and my RPROMPT variable as:
RPROMPT=$ [%{e[0;32m%}%Te[0m%}]
The effect I m working for is to make the brackets and ">" white (using Terminal text-color settings) and everything inside of those green. However, when RPrompt is enabled in OS X (Ubuntu works fine), text entry begins 3 characters INTO the LPrompt, and overwrites the last 3 characters!!
Screenshot http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/4575/screenshot20091112at722.png
What is the proper way to color my ZSH Prompt and RPrompt to avoid this issue?