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Binding an SSL certificate to a port programmatically

I m working on a self-hosted WCF service for which encrypted communications is an option. Everything works fine when a certificate is already bound to the port as described here.

However, I want to avoid asking the user to run a command line tool. Is there a way the binding can be done programmatically? Perhaps using WMI?


I believe the way to create an HTTP.SYS namespace reservation is through the HttpSetServiceConfiguration() unmanaged API; so you ll need some P/Invoke for that. There s some sample code that might be useful in one of Keith Brown s MSDN columns.


I found this NuGet library that can help to programmatically bind an SSL certificate.

The question it s rather old, but I think this library could be helpful, as it was with me, for those who seek a pure .Net programmatic way to bind a SSL certificate to a IP endpoint.

Library name (NuGet): SslCertBinding.Net

Sources: GitHub NuGet package sources

Library description:

SslCertBinding.Net is a library for .NET and Windows and provides a simple API to add, remove or retrieve bindings between a https port and a SSL certificate.

Credits: Segor

This library is built upon Win32API calls.

For the usage, have a look to the GitHub NuGet package sources link above, Usage section.

The MSDN documentation, Keith Brown s MSDN column, and pinvoke.net got me most of the way there. But getting the PSOCKADDR in the HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SSL_KEY correct was tricky. I found Beej s Guide to Network Programming very helpful in figuring out what it should look like. I was able to use the .NET SocketAddress and then copy the bytes to an array that could be marshaled.

// serialize the endpoint to a SocketAddress and create an array to hold the values.  Pin the array.
SocketAddress socketAddress = ipEndPoint.Serialize();
byte[] socketBytes = new byte[socketAddress.Size];
GCHandle handleSocketAddress = GCHandle.Alloc(socketBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);

// Should copy the first 16 bytes (the SocketAddress has a 32 byte buffer, the size will only be 16, which is what the SOCKADDR accepts
for (int i = 0; i < socketAddress.Size; ++i)
    socketBytes[i] = socketAddress[i];

Yes, but you have to use the HTTP API yourself which which there is currently no .NET wrapper, so you must use P/Invoke. Specifically I think you re looking for HttpSetServiceConfiguration with the HttpServiceConfigSSLCertInfo config id.

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