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JWYSIWYG or jHtmlArea within a Jquery Ui Tab

I am not able to get my jwysiwyg and Jhtmlarea text editors to work within an AJAX loaded Jquery UI Tab

Both text editors work when loaded normally.

This loads the tabs on the "View Page"

 <script type="text/javascript">
 $(function() {

This loads the page via AJAX on the "View Page"

<li><a href="/page/edit/">Edit</a></li>

This loads the Html Area on the "Edit Page"

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

All help would be greatly appreciated.



because you re injecting the things you re trying to htmlarea-ize into the DOM after the page loads, you have to put your $("textarea").htmlarea() inside the callback function of the ajax call.



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