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PHP on IIS 5.1 is not working

I know this has been asked a few times here. But none of the suggestions or answers related to PHP on IIS have helped.

I have tried installing PHP ON IIS 5.1 (XP SP 3) on two computers and it still doesn t work. I ve even began to think that all of the articles and installers for PHP on IIS are a huge prank...and that PHP on IIS doesn t actually work.

I ve spent the last 6 hours trying to get it to work. Nothing does. As of right now when I navigate to http://localhost/phpinfo.php all that shows up is: "The specified module could not be found." My IIS applications still work perfectly.

phpinfo.php contains:

<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>

Even loading test.php with "Hello World." in it gives me the same error message.

The current installation of PHP was installed from http://php.iis.net/ (the big blue button in the middle of the page). This installed PHP in my programs directory (F:PHP).

That didn t configure PHP to work so I manually added the Application Mapping in "Web Sites" > Properties > Home Directory > Configuration > Mappings > Add. I added C:WINDOWSsystem32inetsrvfcgiext.dll, ext .php, "GET,HEAD,POST"

Anyone have any idea what my problem is?


Sounds like you ve not installed the FastCGI components (which to be honest you don t really need on your local development machine). Can I suggest mapping the .php extension to:

F:phpphp-cgi.exe (or wherever the PHP binaries are installed)

Also make sure you give your site s anonymous user account at least read access to the F:PHP folder and children.


I think the DLL you are using for getting PHP to work have a missing dependency. Why don t you get a WAMP.

Do you really need to use IIS, using Apache would be far more easy IMHO. If you really want to use IIS, I advise to install the official PHP release they have a good README which describe all the steps to configure IIS or even an installer.

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