English 中文(简体)
行动说明 3 - 检测点到zo或rag
原标题:Actionscript 3 - detecting click to zoom or drag

我使用行动文件3,正在建设图像观众。 至今,我有以下功能:

1) When viewing the normal sized image, clicking will display a "zoomed" image.
2) When viewing the zoomed image, clicking will display the "normal" image.


现在,我想采取下列行为,使用户能够 around清和rag弄 around骨头的图像,并概括如下:

1) Removed the onClick event
2) Add an "onMouseDown" event, to record the mouse XY on mouse down
3) Add a "onMouseUp" event, and record the mouse XY on mouse up
4) If the XY onMouseDown = XY onMouseUp then assume a Click event - so Zoom
5) If the XY onMouseDown != XY onMouseUp then assume a Drag event - so drag the image

现在,只有用户在点击时有稳定的手,才会奏效,而且没有像一个伟大的解决办法。 如果用户手不可靠,那么当他们真的想要去掉头脑时,就算发生了一件 d事。



Senior coconut.



import flash.utils.getTimer;

private var clickTime:uint;

function onMouseDown(event:Event):void {
    this.clickTime = getTimer();

    // Start drag even if they intend to zoom -- it won t hurt if it shifts a
    // couple pixels before zooming out

function onMouseUp(event:Event):void {
    var delta = getTimer() - this.clickTime;

    // It s been less than a quarter second, so user probably meant to zoom
    // in/out.  Adjust this number to taste if it seems too low or high.
    if (delta < 250)



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