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Flex: image scale stopped working after deploy to server

I have some code to scale an image s width according to its height after the image is being loaded. It works fine on my development PC if I point to the wrapper html using local file system path. However, after I deploy the web application to JBoss AS 5.1, it stopped working - it always sets the image width to 0, causing it to disappear. Anyone else experience similar issues?

Code for scale image side:

private function scaleImage():void {
    img.width = img.contentWidth;

<mx:Image id="img" updateComplete="callLater(scaleImage)" height="100%" />

I imagine it s because you re hooking the wrong event and it hasn t loaded by the time callLater is called. Are you sure that updateComplete is the right event?

complete looks like a better choice of event:


Of course, if you ve migrated your app from a Windows environment to a case sensitive environment, case-sensitivity in the path might be an issue.

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