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"Alert Management System" in Java to support alerts from cross-technology applications

Where Alert Management System roughly fits into this definition: "A system designed to screen events, build profiles associated with the events, and send alerts based upon the profiles and events"

So, the current setup is like this: There are multiple applications built in different technologies (Java, .Net, Perl, Python, VB) and they do specific kind of task (e.g. data processing in perl/python, UI in java/.Net etc and some exist because of historical reasons). These applications are inter-dependent in many cases and there are users who want to get alerts from multiple applications when certain events of interest occur.

Now, the question is: Is anyone aware of any effort in this direction or do we need to do it all by ourselves? Basically, we don t want to re-invent the wheel to the extent possible.

And preference would be to have such a framework/system/library in Java because of how things are here. But, anything good in any other technology can be looked into as well.


I would suggest JMX as a good Java-based technology for alert-management. It depends upon MBeans sitting in a server listening for event-based Notifications. It can then act upon those notifications any way it wants. I currently use it to monitor applications in a clustered environment.

Have you looked into Complex Event Processing or Event Stream Processing? It sounds similar to what you want to do. These tools take a stream of events and perform queries over them. So if you have a particular event pattern that you are looking for, you can set up a query and when it reaches a match, you can fire off alerts. I ve really oversimplified these tools, but this should give you an idea of the general nature of them.

I m not sure if this is your entire solution, since I don t know what kinds of "profiles" you are trying to build - you might need to add or extend CEP or ESP tools with other tools. But if you want to check something out, I would look at the open-source Esper CEP engine.

What I would take a look at is a rule engine for reactive rules. For example the ruleCore CEP Server, it takes as input XML via REST or JMS and has a rather nice rule language ( rule example: http://rulecore.com/support/wiki/index.php?title=SIM:RuleDef) tailored for monitoring tasks. The alerts you get back are also in XML, for example http://rulecore.com/support/wiki/index.php?title=Action

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