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google chat web client
  • 时间:2009-11-11 14:00:51
  •  标签:
  • widget

I am looking for a google chat client that I can embed in my website so visitors can chat with me directly. I haven t found any widgets like the google voice widget in which a visitor is connected directly to you without authentication. The only authentication I would want would be their name and email address.

Are there any widgets out there that integrate with google chat nicely?

Thanks, Walter


It seems that you are looking for the Google Talkback badge:


Note, that in order to use it with Google Apps for Domains, you need to disable the SSL option for your domain while creating the badge, you can reenable it afterwards.


I am working on developing for my customer, a similar widget which works with XMPP server. And since gtalk is built on XMPP it should work here too. It is not a very difficult thing to build, can t share the application with you because the app belongs to the client. But can guide you to develop one if you are interested.

I am having one problem which is posted here at stackoverflow. Once I resolve this issue will be happy to share more details.

Maybe you can find a standard Jabber(the protocol GChat uses) client, create an default "user" account and add yourself as a buddy.

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