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httplib2, how to set more than one cookie?

As you are probably aware, more often than not, an HTTP server will send more than just a session_id cookie; however, httplib2 handles cookies with a dictionary, like this:

response, content = http.request(url,  GET , headers=headers)

headers = { Cookie : response[ set-cookie ]}

url =  http://www.example.com/home    
response, content = http.request(url,  GET , headers=headers)

So, how do I set the extra cookies? If handled with a dictionary, I can t have double Cookie keys :S.

Thanks for your time.


Cookies are contained in a single HTTP header, separated by semicolons. Example:


So you ll need to build a string from the cookies sent by the server, and then set that as the Cookie header.

Edit: Actually, playing around a bit with httplib2 and re-reading your question, I m not sure you actually need to do anything to get the functionality you want. The set-cookie value you get back from httplib2 is actually the raw Set-Cookie header sent from the server; you can just put that into the cookie header of the new response, and everything will work fine. Technically speaking you should remove some cookie attributes such as expiry, but I imagine most servers will handle that just fine.

Yes, I just found out elsewhere about the Cookie header when making the request, but the server may send several Set-Cookie headers, with a cookie(and expiration,domain,etc attributes) per header. But with the dictionary system used in httplib2, I can t really get all the possible Set-Cookie headers sent by the server, but seemingly, just the last one.

So, any more ideas :)?

Doing some extra testing, with a dummy setcookie() PHP page, I generated in 3 test, the following set of headers:

Set-Cookie: chocolate=chips
Set-Cookie: milk=shape

Set-Cookie: chocolate=chips; expires=Sun, 15-Nov-2009 18:47:08 GMT; path=/; domain=thaorius.net; secure; httponly
Set-Cookie: milk=shape

Set-Cookie: chocolate=chips; expires=Sun, 15-Nov-2009 18:46:25 GMT
Set-Cookie: milk=shape

The output actually supplied by httplib2 on the set-cookie key of the array, is, respectively for each header pair, this:

chocolate=chips, milk=shape

chocolate=chips; expires=Sun, 15-Nov-2009 18:31:00 GMT; path=/; domain=thaorius.net; secure; httponly, milk=shape

chocolate=chips; expires=Sun, 15-Nov-2009 18:38:21 GMT, milk=shape

So it seems that httplib2 does deal with the problem properly, but now I m presented with another problem. The "," in the expires attribute. As you can see, cookies get separated by a comma, but how to distinguish from that of the expires attribute.

I could split the string by commas, and then by ";", and end up with key value pairs for each cookie, nice and easy; but with the comma in expires, I can t possibly do that.

So, I m thinking, I could use a regular expression that basically looks for "expires=letters, num&letters nums:nums:nums arbitrarychars[,|;|$]" and replaces it for something like expires=STUB, as I do not really care about the expiration time of the cookies.

So, would anyone be so kind as to give me the regex I can feed to re.sub()? I haven t really needed regex so far, thus I haven t learned them, and I really don t want to loose a few days for a single one :).

Try this:

pp = re.compile( (Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat), )
pp.sub(  , alpha Sun, beta )
 alpha  beta 

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