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Adobe AIR: detect en_GB locale

Is there a way to detect if the user is running the AIR application under en_GB locale on Windows? Capabilities.language returns only "en" and Capabilities.languages[0] returns "en_US" :(


Unfortunately, no. But it will be something soon (sorry, can t tell you more now)!

Check here: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/event/index.cfm?event=detail&id=1489921

"Get the inside scoop on the new mobile features in Flash Player 10.1, as well as the new global error handling, UI, globalization, and media playback features."


Now the globalization features are out in Flash Player 10.1 you can use them. Check out the documentation for them here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/globalization/package-detail.html

and more info here: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/flash_globalization_package.html#articlecontentAdobe_numberedheader

You can easily get the default local as a string like so:

new StringTools(LocaleID.DEFAULT).actualLocaleIDName; // returns en-GB if region is United Kingdom on OSX

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Access system:string resource dictionary XAML in C#

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Localization in Prism WPF App

I m looking for the best way to localize a Prism 2 WPF app that might have several modules ported to Silverlight 3. Has anyone successfully localized a Prism 2 WPF app with several modules?

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Localization problem

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determining the character set to use

my delphi 2009 app has a basic translation system that uses GNUGetText. i had used some win API calls to prepare the fonts. i thought it was working correctly until recently when someone from Malta ...

HOW TO MAKE localization?

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