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log4net with .NET 4.0

I ve thrown together some code to tinker with the new .Net 4.0/VS 2010 pieces, but I can t seem to find a build of my logging framework of choice (log4net) for 4.0, and I m getting reference errors with the 2.0 version. Is there a 4.0 version available somewhere? I m not asking for new features, just a version that s already been rebuilt against the new assemblies. Anyone know where I can find a build of 1.2.10 built for the 4.0 framework?


log4net has a known issue of referencing a System.Web component which is not part of the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and the VS2010 by default sets project target to be the lightweighted Client Profile. The solution is to change the target to .NET Framework 4:

Right click project -> properties -> Application. Change:

 .NET Framework 4 Client Profile

to be:

 .NET Framework 4

... and that should work, i.e. you can use log4net again...



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log4net with .NET 4.0

I ve thrown together some code to tinker with the new .Net 4.0/VS 2010 pieces, but I can t seem to find a build of my logging framework of choice (log4net) for 4.0, and I m getting reference errors ...

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