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How do I use MSBuild on a C# project with no compilable code
  • 时间:2009-11-19 23:07:29
  •  标签:
  • msbuild

I have a C# web app project which actually has no ASP.Net or C# in it. It s just a single html page with some Javascript, CSS, and a couple of images.

I want to use MSBuild to deploy a version of this app to an output folder with minified JS and CSS.

With the following code, I get an error "CSC: fatal error CS2008: No inputs specified." I m guessing because the there is no actual C# code to compile but I m not sure.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" DefaultTargets="Build">


    <Import Project="Common.Web.targets" />

        <CssFiles Include="....TestCSSstylesheet.css" />
        <ScriptFiles Include="....TestJavaScriptjavascript.js"/>

    <Target Name="compress_css">
        <Attrib Files="%(CssFiles.FullPath)" ReadOnly="false"/>
        <Exec Command="$(CssTidy) %(CssFiles.FullPath) %(CssFiles.FullPath) --template=highest" />

    <Target Name="compress_js">
        <Attrib Files="%(ScriptFiles.FullPath)" ReadOnly="false"/>
        <JSCompress Files="%(ScriptFiles.FullPath)"></JSCompress>

    <Target Name="call_targets">
        <CallTarget Targets="compress_css"/>
        <CallTarget Targets="compress_js"/>

How can I accomplish this?


You could override the CoreCompile target and do nothing there:<Target name="CoreCompile" />. This will skip its activities and move on. You may have to override additional targets to avoid errors.

At the top of the file you have the DefaultTargets="Build"

Change "Build" to "call_targets" and you should be good to go.

What is inside "common.web.targets"? I assume that the error is generated from a target in that file (or another that it imports).

A quick fix for this would be to add a dummy page to the project. The build would work after that.

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