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Twisted errors in Scrapy spider

When I run the spider from the Scrapy tutorial I get these error messages:

File "C:Python26libsite-packages	wistedinternetase.py", line 374, in fireEvent DeferredList(beforeResults).addCallback(self._continueFiring)  

File "C:Python26libsite-packages	wistedinternetdefer.py", line 195, in addCallback callbackKeywords=kw)

File "C:Python26libsite-packages	wistedinternetdefer.py", line 186, in addCallbacks self._runCallbacks()

File "C:Python26libsite-packages	wistedinternetdefer.py", line 328, in_runCallbacks self.result = callback(self.result, *args, **kw)

--- <exception caught here> ---

File "C:Python26libsite-packages	wistedinternetase.py", line 387, in _continueFiring callable(*args, **kwargs)

File "C:Python26libsite-packages	wistedinternetposixbase.py", line 356, in listenTCP p.startListening()

File "C:Python26libsite-packages	wistedinternet	cp.py", line 858, in startListening raise CannotListenError, (self.interface, self.port, le) twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn t listen on any:6023: [Errno 10048] 

Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

Does anyone know what they are and how I can get rid of them?



Perhaps you re running two Scrapy process simultaneously with telnet console enabled?.

If you want to run more than one Scrapy process at the same time, you must disable (or, at least, change the port) of web and telnet consoles.



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