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Oracle10g XE: Why PLS_INTEGER cannot be a column type
  • 时间:2009-11-20 03:59:37
  •  标签:
  • oracle10g

An invalid datatype is returned when I issue following command:

CREATE TABLE msg_info (
   msgcode PLS_INTEGER,
   msgtype VARCHAR2(30),
   msgtext VARCHAR2(2000),
   msgname VARCHAR2(30),
   description VARCHAR2(2000)

I discovered it s resulted from msgcode PLS_INTEGER, removing this column will make creation successful.

Is it XE restriction? Thanks.


PLS_INTEGER is a PL/SQL type only. It cannot be used in SQL tables / DDL-at-large.

I think one should declare the column as NUMBER type and, when retrieving data, use the PLS_INTEGER type at the level of PL/SQL.

See Oracle Datatypes


Try BINARY_INTEGER - it s identical and can be used interchangeably with PLS_INTEGER


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