English 中文(简体)
原标题:oauth and userid
  • 时间:2009-11-12 12:57:39
  •  标签:
  • oauth
  • userid

i 一旦从山角到用户接触,我会感到非常混乱,




i got confused between openid, oauth, and hybrid openid+oauth. what i really want is hybrid openid+oauth, where i have the openid as key and access token is linked to it.





当你向该用户提出“ o”要求时,你会再次看看病。

Cannot get Twitter-OAuth-iPhone to work

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Library for OAuth Provider (Java) [closed]

I m looking for a Java library that helps me building an OAuth Provider. I must be able to receive OAuth signed requests and determine whether they are valid or not (checking the signature, timestamp ...

twitter status update using tweetsharp oauth preview 17

I am trying to update the status using tweetsharp oauth preview 17. Please let me know how ?. I tried this code var msg = FluentTwitter.CreateRequest() .AuthenticateWith(_consumerKey, ...

How to keep RoleProvider from overriding custom roles?

I have an custom role provider that gets the roles a user belongs to from a database. I also have a custom authentication module registered in my web.config s httpModules which sniffs incoming HTTP ...

How to test the twitter API locally?

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i 一旦从山角到用户接触,我会感到非常混乱,

oauth problem( app engine)

i am trying to pull user s documents data from google docs using oauth, but i cannot understand how to do it - what s the purpose of oauth_verifier - how to get the access token secret? - if i try to ...
