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JQuery Simplemodal and Tabs Help Needed

I ve got an asp.net page containing a Textbox with an Autocomplete extender on it. It s setup so the user can type a short reference code into the textbox and then choose from the list of matching codes returned by the autocomplete.

On the "select", I then call the server using JQuery. I m currently using $.get here.... The callback function from $.get checks for "success" and then displays a simple-modal dialog containing info about the item they ve just selected.

if (sStatus == "success") {
        $.modal(sText, {
        overlayClose: true,
            appendTo: form ,
            onShow: function(dialog) {
            onClose: function(dialog) {

One of the bits of info being loaded here is a JQuery TABS setup, so the onShow function of the simplemodal is used to initiate the tabs which are within the simplemodal.

Now to the crux of my problem. If I do multiple consecutive "autocompletes" on the same page it all works fine Unless I have selected a different tab on the tabs in the simplemodal ....If I select a different tab, close the simplemodal and then do another autocomplete I get a JQuery error which seems to relate to a selector doing something with the "old" selected tab that was on the "closed" modal.

I m clearly missing some sort of cleardown / initialisation somewhere, but can t find what it is. Help?

I ve tried "tabs.destroy" before the modal call in the code above and I ve tried a $.ready() call as indicated too....

UPDATE: Is it something to do with JQuery Tabs appending my addressbar URL with the selected tab s ID?


I ve found the problem. It s with the "history" script that the tabs plugin normally uses. Obviously as I am continually creating and destroying popups there is no history to speak of - it s all done outside of the normal app navigation.

I ve removed the jquery.history_remote script and now it works just great!




Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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