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enyim and memcached : NOT_STORED errors
  • 时间:2009-11-12 22:16:34
  •  标签:
  • memcached

We are using memcached 1.2.4 via enyim and are finding it difficult to get some objects to cache. If I watch the memcache console it just says NOT_STORED .

I think we need to use [serializable] but that doesnt always work. I cant find any documentation or relevant google hits.

Any one here got any clues?



Thanks and sorry for the late reply.

The problem was two-fold. Using [Serializable] was not adequate for some objects so we have to implement ISerializable. We were also using ADD rather than SET.

From memory I couldn t find an upgrade for memcached and once we fixed the above it worked.



Strongly recommend upgraded your version of memcached.

NOT_STORED means just that, your data was not stored. If you are using the add command to store data, this means that there s already data under that key. If you are using replace it means that there s not data under that key. You probably mea set.

I had this problem to...I was running something like:

var = CACHE.fetch("key_name",1.day,true) do

So I was having active record find a record for me but I didn t know that memcached doesn t store nil values. What was happening was active record was returning nil because it couldn t find the record and therefore I was telling memcache to store a nil value. The fix was simply this:

var = CACHE.fetch("key_name",1.day,true) do
  ModelName.find_by_id(id) || ""

I use Ruby to code with. Hope this helps.

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