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How can I get a volume serial number using wxWidgets?

I m looking for a function/class in wxWidgets which can give me a volume serial number (like win32 GetVolumeInformation function does).

I assume that the volume serial number must be pretty much cross-platform.

Thanks in advance.


There is no such wxWidgets API, AFAIK.

You might look at this thread in the QT forum:


The lpVolumeSerialNumber member of GetVolumeInformation() is a OS-assigned serial number (when a drive is formatted). It s not specific to Windows per se, but file systems Microsoft uses (e.g. FATs, NTFS, etc.).

What are you trying to achieve? If you need a consistent number across platforms (assuming the same physical hard drive(s)) look into retrieving the physical HDD serial number. You can do this in Windows via WMI and/or DeviceIoControl(). I m sure similar IOCTL s exist in Linux or you can utilize iostat -En or perhaps cfgadm -alv (See http://prefetch.net/blog/index.php/2010/07/13/locating-physical-disk-drives-in-solaris/ -- I believe most Un*x and Linux systems have about the same utilities for this)

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