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Code snippet paths in GCC

Background: Keil C51 on a PC, currently moving to GCC (CrossPack-AVR) on an iMac.

Since I write firmware for micro s I have a lot of driver source files etc. that I need to include with my programs, e.g. a LCD driver, i.e. reusing code. These code snippets (.c and .h files) live sub folders in a /snippets/ folder, i.e. /snippets/lcd/. My /snippets/ used to be in a folder that also had a /projects/ folder for, well, projects or applications. I had considered putting them in a library but I use various architectures so it would not always work.

The Question: How can one set that up in GCC without having to specify absolute paths to the snippets in, for example, the various #include paths etc. so that the source file, of the included snippet, gets re-compiled along with the project that uses/includes it? Thus, if I improve on a snippet, it benefits all projects that is compiled/re-compiled subsequently?

I looked around on google but must be using the wrong search term.



I think make files will do the trick.

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