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How to instantiate a variable to call a method
  • 时间:2009-11-17 15:23:32
  •  标签:
  • c#-3.0

Is their a way in c# to instantiate a variable into a method call without using a switch statement.


It sounds like you want to take a string and use that string to call a method on an object, this can be done with reflection without the need for a switch statement.

string methodName = "ToString";
var method = typeof(TypeYourMethodExistsOn).GetMethod(methodName);
method.Invoke(objectInstance, null);

I m not too clear, either. If you don t want to use reflection (heavy sometimes), for dynamically calling methods using a variable, you could use something like a collection containing delegates as values and call them.

I use an extremely like dictionary object to dynamically call a known method based on string inputs.

psuedo code:

delegate void Del(int i, double j);

class MathClass
    static void Main()
        MathClass m = new MathClass();

        // Delegate instantiation using "MultiplyNumbers"
        Del d = m.MultiplyNumbers;
        Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
        ht.Add("mult", d);

        // Invoke the delegate object.
        System.Console.WriteLine("Invoking the delegate using  MultiplyNumbers :");
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            ((del) ht("mult"))(i, 2);

    // Declare the associated method.
    void MultiplyNumbers(int m, double n)
        System.Console.Write(m * n + " ");

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