I ve been struggling with precision nightmare in Java and SQL Server up to the point when I don t know anymore. Personally, I understand the issue and the underlying reason for it, but explaining that to the client half way across the globe is something unfeasible (at least for me).
The situation is this. I have two columns in SQL Server - Qty INT and Price FLOAT. The values for these are - 1250 and 10.8601 - so in order to get the total value its Qty * Price and result is 13575.124999999998 (in both Java and SQL Server). That s correct. The issue is this - the client doesn t want to see that, they see that number only as 13575.125 and that s it. On one place they way to see it in 2 decimal precision and another in 4 decimals. When displaying in 4 decimals the number is correct - 13575.125, but when displaying in 2 decimals they believe it is wrong - 13575.12 - should instead be 13575.13!