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How can I convert a color image to grayscale in MATLAB?

I am trying to implement an algorithm in computer vision and I want to try it on a set of pictures. The pictures are all in color, but I don t want to deal with that. I want to convert them to grayscale which is enough for testing the algorithm.

How can I convert a color image to grayscale?

I m reading it with:

x = imread( bla.jpg );

Is there any argument I can add to imread to read it as grayscale? Is there any way I change x to grayscale after reading it?


Use rgb2gray to strip hue and saturation (ie, convert to grayscale). Documentation

x = imread( bla.jpg );
k = rgb2gray(x);

I found this link: http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2007/07/20/imoverlay-and-imagesc/ it works.

it says:

im=imread( your image );

you can using this code:

im=imread( your image );

using to matlab

I=imread( yourimage.jpg );

Use the imread() and rgb2gray() functions to get a gray scale image.


I = imread( input.jpg );
J = rgb2gray(I);
figure, imshow(I), figure, imshow(J); 

If you have a color-map image, you must do like below:

[X,map] = imread( input.tif );
gm = rgb2gray(map);

The rgb2gray algorithm for your own implementation is :

f(R,G,B) = (0.2989 * R) + (0.5870 * G) + (0.1140 * B)

Color Image

Color Image

Gray Scale image

Gray Scale image

  bg = imread( C:UsersAli SahzilDesktopMedia.png );  // Add your image 
  redChannel = bg(:, :, 1);
  greenChannel = bg(:, :, 2);
  blueChannel = bg(:, :, 3);
  grayImage = .299*double(redChannel) + .587*double(greenChannel) 

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