I finally got to try .NET MVC this weekend and, as was expected, ran into some hurdles.
I am trying to password-protect my site while it s under development. The basic idea is very very simple: in my BaseController class (that inherits from the Controller and is inherited by all other controller classes) I check whether a certain Session variable is set. If it is not set, I need to redirect them to a specific view, where users can enter a password. The key is that this check should happen on every request, regardless of what part of the site they re accessing. This is what I tried but has failed: Override OnActionExecuting in the BaseController class and check for the following:
if ((Session["siteAuth"] == null || (bool)Session["siteAuth"] != true) &&
filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName != "EnterPassword") {
else {
OnActionExecuting executes on every request, however, RedirectToAction does not happen. Basically it just renders the view that it would otherwise render.
The closest solution that I found was here, but mine needs to happen on every request.
Any hints as to what I m doing wrong?