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Is MonoDevelop s editor slow for you?

I m using the evaluation version of MonoTouch and MonoDevelop to check out writing iPhone app in C#. However, MonoDevelop s editor is very slow for me. I mean really really slow. I have to type and wait for text to be rendered.

Do you experience the same? Any insights on what can be the causes?



If you re using MonoDevelop 2.8.2 (the one used in Unity 4, for example) it may just be the Git plugin on MonoDevelop.

Go to the "Add-in Manager..." menu item and disable the Version Control plugins (or just "Git support").

We have heard about this bug on some MacBooks but we are unable to reproduce.

Would you mind trying this trick, some people have reported that this fixes the problem for them (we recently added this to our http://monotouch.net/Documentation/Troubleshoot page):

Sometimes the MonoDevelop source editor becomes extremely slow, appearing to hang for several seconds between typing characters.

This issue is very rare and extremely hard to reproduce - it usually cannot be reproduced on the same machine after restarting MonoDevelop. For this reason we would appreciate it if you could perform several debugging steps before restarting MonoDevelop, and send the results to us.

  1. Try closing the editor tab, and re-opening it. Does it take a little bit of editing or moving the caret around until the slowdown happens again?
  2. Disable "Beam Sync" using the "Quartz Debug" developer tool (which you can find using Spotlight), and check whether the source editor performance is restored to normal.
  3. Try repeating step (1) with Beam Sync still disabled.
  4. If the editor hangs for more than a few seconds, try to run "killall -QUIT monodevelop" in a terminal while it is hung. It may be difficult to time the kill command to happen while the editor is hung, but it s essential to do so, because the command forces Mono to write stack traces of all threads to the MD log, which we can use to discover what state the threads are in while the MD is hung.

Please attach the MD log, ~/.config/MonoDevelop/log (in future versions of MD it is ~/Library/Logs/MonoDevelop/MonoDevelop.log).

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