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。 NET Regex isMatch vsmates questions
原标题:.NET Regex isMatch vs Matches question
  • 时间:2009-11-18 12:44:23
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • .net
  • regex

是: (请说明导致实际问题的长期包裹)

I m 允许用户使用简单的日期/时间尺度迅速进入日期(不需要日期选择)

for example they can enter:
d +1d -2h
this will give them a date time string of todays s date, plus one day, minus two hours.

anyways I ve created a regex to match these which works fine (probably not the best way to do it but it works!):
[DTdt]( *[+-] *[1-9][0-9]* *[dDhHmMwW])*

由于你可能用reg子对一米进行猜测,以便在分类以计算结果的日期之前验证这些条目。 首先,我使用了类似的东西:

Regex rgxDateTimeMacro = new Regex(@"[DTdt]( *[+-] *[1-9][0-9]* *[dDhHmMwW])*");

  ...string passes...

I then quickly realised that isMatch returns true if there s any matches in the passed string,
d +1d +1
would return true ^__^


Regex rgxDateTimeMacro = new Regex(@"[DTdt]( *[+-] *[1-9][0-9]* *[dDhHmMwW])*");
MatchCollection objMatches = rgxDateTimeMacro.Matches(strInput);

if (objMatches.Count > 0)
    // to pass.. we need a match which is the same length as the input string...
    foreach (Match m in objMatches)
        if (m.Length == strInput.Length)
            ...string passes...

现在这项工作是很出色的,但我的问题是:是否有更简单的方法来检查一下一下(whole string)是否与reg吻合? 我的洞.,但似乎找不到明显的答案。







如果我正确理解,使用:^my regex$

^ - Start of the string
$ - End of the string






1: ^                  beginning of string
2: [DTdt]             matches 1 character of the given
3:  (                 open group 1
4:   s+              one or more whitespaces
5:   [+-]             either + or -
6:   s+              see above
7:   [1-9][0-9]*      matches one number of 9 followed by none or more numbers of 10
8:   [dDhHmMwW]       one of the characters
9:  )                 close group 1
10: +                 let group 1 only repeat 1 or more times
11: $                 end of string


Matches: D +19d, t -99w +14d, T +75m -64H, D -1d +4m -44h

No Matches: d, d +1, T +1H -2, +1D -5M, -134d, t-4m, t +5d5, D -3m-5d+3g


  • ^ as the very first character means "Match from the start of my test string".
  • $ as the very last character means "Match to the end of my test string".

合并(例如^abc$) 整个试验舱必须与表述一致。


"^[DTdt]( *[+-] *[1-9][0-9]* *[dDhHmMwW])*$"



  1. A Beginning of subject.
  2.  End of subject.


  1. ^ Beginning of a line.
  2. $ End of a line.

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