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Where in a virtualenv does the custom code go?

What sort of directory structure should one follow when using virtualenv? For instance, if I were building a WSGI application and created a virtualenv called foobar I would start with a directory structure like:

    {activate, activate.py, easy_install, python}

Once this environment is created, where would one place their own:

  • python files?
  • static files (images/etc)?
  • "custom" packages, such as those available online but not found in the cheese-shop?

in relation to the virtualenv directories?

(Assume I already know where the virtualenv directories themselves should go.)


virtualenv provides a python interpreter instance, not an application instance. You wouldn t normally create your application files within the directories containing a system s default Python, likewise there s no requirement to locate your application within a virtualenv directory.

For example, you might have a project where you have multiple applications using the same virtualenv. Or, you may be testing an application with a virtualenv that will later be deployed with a system Python. Or, you may be packaging up a standalone app where it might make sense to have the virtualenv directory located somewhere within the app directory itself.

So, in general, I don t think there is one right answer to the question. And, a good thing about virtualenv is that it supports many different use cases: there doesn t need to be one right way.


If you only have a few projects every so often, nothing stops you from creating a new virtualenv for each one, and putting your packages right inside:

    {activate, activate.py, easy_install, python}

The advantage of this approach is that you can always be sure to find find the activate script that belongs to the project inside.

$ cd /foobar
$ source bin/activate
$ python 
>>> import mypackage1

If you decide to be a bit more organized, you should consider putting all your virtualenvs into one folder, and name each of them after the project you are working on.

        {activate, activate.py, easy_install, python}

This way you can always start over with a new virtualenv when things go wrong, and your project files stay safe.

Another advantage is that several of your projects can use the same virtualenv, so you don t have to do the same installation over and over if you have a lot of dependencies.

$ cd /foobar
$ source ../virtualenvs/foobar/bin/activate
$ python 
>>> import mypackage2

For users that regularly have to set up and tear down virtualenvs it would make sense to look at virtualenvwrapper.


With virtualenvwrapper you can

* create and delete virtual environments

* organize virtual environments in a central place

* easily switch between environments

You no more have to worry about where your virtualenvs are when working on the projects "foo" and "bar":


This is how you start working on project "foo":

$ cd foo
$ workon
$ workon foo
(foo)$ python
>>> import mypackage1

Then switching to project "bar" is as simple as this:

$ cd ../bar
$ workon bar
(bar)$ python
>>> import mypackage2

Pretty neat, isn t it?

Because virtualenvs are not relocatable, in my opinion it is bad practice to place your project files inside a virtualenv directory. The virtualenv itself is a generated development/deployment artifact (sort of like a .pyc file), not part of the project; it should be easy to blow it away and recreate it anytime, or create a new one on a new deploy host, etc.

Many people in fact use virtualenvwrapper, which removes the actual virtualenvs from your awareness almost completely, placing them all side-by-side in $HOME/.virtualenvs by default.

If you give your project a setup.py, pip can import it from version control directly.

Do something like this:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages myproject
$ . myproject/bin/activate
$ easy_install pip
$ pip install -e hg+http://bitbucket.org/owner/myproject#egg=proj

The -e will put the project in myproject/src, but link it to myproject/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/, so any changes you make will get picked up immediately in modules that import it from your local site-packages. The #egg bit tells pip what name you want to give to the egg package it creates for you.

If you don t use --no-site-packages, be careful to specify that you want pip to install into the virtualenv with the -E option

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