If you only have a few projects every so often, nothing stops you from creating a new virtualenv for each one, and putting your packages right inside:
{activate, activate.py, easy_install, python}
The advantage of this approach is that you can always be sure to find find the activate script that belongs to the project inside.
$ cd /foobar
$ source bin/activate
$ python
>>> import mypackage1
If you decide to be a bit more organized, you should consider putting all your virtualenvs into one folder, and name each of them after the project you are working on.
{activate, activate.py, easy_install, python}
This way you can always start over with a new virtualenv when things go wrong, and your project files stay safe.
Another advantage is that several of your projects can use the same virtualenv, so you don t have to do the same installation over and over if you have a lot of dependencies.
$ cd /foobar
$ source ../virtualenvs/foobar/bin/activate
$ python
>>> import mypackage2
For users that regularly have to set up and tear down virtualenvs it would make sense to look at virtualenvwrapper.
With virtualenvwrapper you can
* create and delete virtual environments
* organize virtual environments in a central place
* easily switch between environments
You no more have to worry about where your virtualenvs are when working on the projects "foo" and "bar":
This is how you start working on project "foo":
$ cd foo
$ workon
$ workon foo
(foo)$ python
>>> import mypackage1
Then switching to project "bar" is as simple as this:
$ cd ../bar
$ workon bar
(bar)$ python
>>> import mypackage2
Pretty neat, isn t it?