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JBoss Web Services Behind IIS Through HTTPs

This is a tangled web that s woven, I suppose, but it really shouldn t be all that hard. Let me see if I can paint the picture:

I have written a web service, starting with a WSDL, which is to run in JBoss. This is all fine and dandy when I run it on my local machine and point my Netbeans "client generator" (probably just using "wsimport" or whatever behind the scenes) at it to generate a client it works as expected. All of this is working by hitting port 8080 directly and the <soap:address> element looks like so:

<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/MyoutfitWebService/funService"/>

Now, when this puppy gets deployed, it will be getting requests from IIS forwarded through AJP to, I think, port 8009. IIS handles our client certificate validation and then is supposed to just forward the request to my web service. I can t figure out what to use in my WSDL s <soap:address> element so that I can give the WSDL URL to someone to generate their own client. If I use:

<soap:address location="https://real.server.com/MyoutfitWebService/funService"/>

when I deploy it and point to the WSDL, the <soap:address> element is wrecked and looks something like:

<soap:address location=""/>

Can someone tell me if I need to modify something in jbossws.sar jboss-beans.xml or what? I m using JBoss Web Services Native 3.0.4.

Thanks for reading.


I have no idea how to handle this in IIS but i ll write some notes about Apache

I had the same problem and workarounded it using mod_ext module in apache

Your configuration will look like this

 ExtFilterDefine fixservice mode=output cmd="/bin/sed s/"

 <Location "/MyoutfitWebService/services/funService">
      ProxyPass ajp://local.server.com:8009/MyoutfitWebService/funService   
      SetOutputFilter fixservice
 ProxyPass /MyoutfitWebService/funService ajp://local.server.com:8009/MyoutfitWebService/funService

So, your "correct" WSDL address will be


which will have correct soap:address,


(I have removed https as I can put only one hyperlink here).

There may be a better way but unfortunately I have no time to do deep investigation. This solution just works (I found it couple of minutes ago and already tested)

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