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How to print out encoded Asian characters(gb2312) on command prompt?

I am working for a company that uses the Python programming language version 3.1 as a causal work now. And I ve encountered this problem: how to print out some encoded Asian characters(Chinese, Japanese, Korean) on command prompt?

Done a bit research and tried, but got no luck:

import sys
import codecs
print(sys.getdefaultencoding()) # prints out UTF-8
fileObj = codecs.open("test.txt", "r", "eucgb2312_cn")
content = fileObj.read()

It is the last line that would cause this error:

C:Documents and SettingsMichael MaoDesktop>test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:Documents and SettingsMichael MaoDesktop	est.py", line 6, in <module>
  File "C:	oolsPython31libencodingscp437.py", line 19, in encode
    return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_map)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError:  charmap  codec can t encode character  u5377  in position 3: character maps to < undefined >

I cannot change the default encoding from UTF-8 to anything else, so I reckon that is the problem preventing the output from being rendered correctly.

Can anyone help me out in this? Thanks a lot in advance!


I have solved this problem. When I am programming a dict, I encounter this problem.

import codecs
import sys
# import imp
# imp.reload(sys) 
# sys.setdefaultencoding( utf8 )
dictFileName =  abstract.dict 

def readDict():
    print("start reading dict...")
    #dictObject = codecs.open(dictFileName, rb , encoding =  utf-8 )#, encoding =  utf-8 )
    dictObject = open(dictFileName,  rb )
        print( open file success! )
        chunk = dictObject.read(0x5f0) #0x5f0
        #chunk = dictObject.read(0x1)
        print( read success )
        #print(chunk.encode( utf-8 ).decode( gb18030 ))
        #sys.stdout.buffer.write(chunk.encode( gb18030 ))
        sys.stdout.buffer.write(chunk.decode( utf-8 ).encode( gb18030 ))

I cannot change the default encoding from UTF-8 to anything else

I don t think UTF-8 is being used as the default encoding for your console:

File "C: oolsPython31libencodingscp437.py"

cp437 is the old DOS terminal code page, which indeed cannot print chinese characters.

See bug 1602 for a batch file hack to make Windows and Python 3 use UTF-8 (code page 65001) for the console, but in general the console has always been pretty broken for non-ASCII characters, and will continue to be so until someone changes Python to use WriteConsoleW instead of the standard C IO functions.

If you open the cmd window yourself, type the following command before running test.py: mode con cp select=936

If your Python program starts by some other means, you ll have to make it open its console window with the correct code page.

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