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Web Application with jQuery, deployed to WS 2003 and IE not working

I have been developing a web application on XP and FF (with occasional IE checks through IE 8), but today when I deployed it to a WS 2003 site, running IE 7, my jQuery code to dynamically size divs doesn t execute, and even stating explicit div sizes (e.g. width: 95%) doesn t seem to work.

I m doing this via VPN and Remote Desktop, and at this point have no contact with support on the remote site. This is a long shot, but does anyone have any suggestions for me to try? I know Javascript is enabled, as I get a test alert box from outside my jquery code. My jQuery code is as follows, in the head tag:

<script src="/jQuery/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function resizeChildren() {
        var h = $(window).height() - 70;
        var w = $(window).width() - 210;
        $("#mainContent").css("width", w);
        $("#container").css("height", h);
        $("#leftMenu").css("height", h - 20);
        $("#mainContent").css("height", h - 20);
        $("#ctl00_mainContentPlaceHolder_grid_GridData").height(h - 80);

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(window).resize(function() {


I should have included the jQuery link before. I m sure someone more astute than me would have noticed the leading /, which caused the browser to look in the site root, not in my application.


Is your jQuery loaded correctly? Is there a file where your jQuery include points to?

What does this code yield?

alert(typeof $);

Is this not happening when you are resizing the window? You could try adding the the $(window).resize() binding inside the document.ready() function?

$(document).ready(function() {

    $(window).resize(function() {

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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