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Deploy PowerShell Exchange Cmdlets with site but without installing full Management Instrumentation

Is it possible to run web site for managing Exchange Recipients on a web-server, where only PowerShell is installed? I don t want to install full Exchange Management Instrumentation on web-server, I want to use only Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin snap-in. Can I use some dll s from Exchange Server bin folder?


Another option would be (for Powershell V2 - which is supported by Exchange 2007 SP2) to use remoting and configure a session to export the commands you want.

Register-PSSessionConfiguration allows you to define commands via a startup script. There is a great demo of how this works in the PDC 09 sessions SVR12 and SVR13. There are some example scripts in the code samples.


I ve seen this attempted before, and it failed. I m going to assume you re talking about Exchange 2007.

I would recommend looking at using Exchange Web Services. They have a new managed API that is a relatively small install.


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