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Website Development moving to Image Hosting

We are moving over to using Akamai for all of our large static content so far just flash but are planning to include images, css, and js files in that list.

I am curious what methods others employ to switch all of their local/relative paths to using an external hosting company. Also, how they continue to develop their site so that developers can make changes in development without it having to be pushed to their external hosting servers.


i know this question is months old. how you though about just setting up your hosts file to just point the domainname of you CDN to your local machine?

How can we configure IIS for domain name mapping

I would like to configure IIS server at (Windows server 2003) for domain name mapping. We have purchased domain name for one of our newly created website. I would like to know how can I configure ...

ASP.net fileupload really slow

We re currently creating an online music store that allows, only for administrators, to upload songs and previews on website. The problem is that uploading songs to our website take about 3 or 4 ...

hosting administration system?

i m looking for an opensource system to manage a list of web hosting clients. Services ordered payment notifications ticket support system That kind of stuff Is there anything like that? Thanks

Website Development moving to Image Hosting

We are moving over to using Akamai for all of our large static content so far just flash but are planning to include images, css, and js files in that list. I am curious what methods others employ to ...

Does the Cloud solve the hosting location dilemma?

My startup is located in Europe where most of our current users are. I m looking for a host that will allow us to scale to the US and Asia without latency taking its toll on performance. Does the ...

Web host with Maven 2 support?

Does anyone know of a web host that has support for a Maven 2 project? Edit: I m looking for a managed shared server to put code on like what wush.net does with Subversion.
