if you are experiencing symptoms of what Zach described in the comments of Sahil s answer:
as y5h said as well, add `_authed = YES to the didReceiveResponse method which will stop the infinite looping. even if the auth wasnt successful you need to treat it as if it was authed so it will try continuing loading the page if no authentication is required, if authentication was really required, then it will just fail like normal.
for the second symptom where the shouldStartLoadWithRequest: fires multiple times (due to embedded content on the webpage) and it will just show the last thing that loaded and not the whole web page, do this:
in the shouldStartLoadWithRequest: method, add this to the top
if(webview.loading){ //if url requests come through while its loading, its probably embedded content
return YES;
edit: this above method has issues if the page fully loads, and then loads more embedded content afterwards, breaks with facebook which is the only case ive seen so far
this will let urls through while the website is trying to load. im not sure if its safe to assume that every url after the initial request is embedded content, but for my purposes it seemed to work, so maybe it will for you as well.
also, use
- (void) connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
are depricated, and for me, you could not authenticate with https websites using them