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Looking for a faster implementation for IEnumerable/IEnumerator

I m trying to optimize a concurrent collection that tries to minimize lock contention for reads. First pass was using a linked list, which allowed me to only lock on writes while many simultaneous reads could continue unblocked. This used a custom IEnumerator to yield the next link value. Once i started comparing iteration over the collection to a plain List<T> i noticed my implementation was about half as fast (for from x in c select x on a collection of 1*m* items, i got 24ms for List<T> and 49ms for my collection).

So i thought i d use a ReaderWriteLockSlim and sacrifice a little contention on reads so i could use a List<T> as my internal storage. Since I have to capture the read lock on iteration start and release it upon completion, i first did a yield pattern for my IEnumerable, foreaching over the internal List<T>. Now i was getting only 66ms.

I peeked at what List actually does and it uses an internal store of T[] and a custom IEnumerator that moves the index forward and returns the current index value. Now, manually using T[] as storage means a lot more maintenance work, but wth, i m chasing microseconds.

However even mimicking the IEnumerator moving the index on an array, the best I could do was about ~38ms. So what gives List<T> its secret sauce or alternatively what s a faster implementation for an iterator?

UPDATE: Turns out my main speed culprit was running Debug compile, while List<T> is obviously a Release compile. In release my implementation is still a hair slower than List<T>, altough on mono it s now faster.

One other suggestion i got from a friend is that the BCL is faster because it s in the GAC and therefore can get pre-compiled by the system. Will have to put my test in the GAC to test that theory.


Acquiring and releasing the lock on each iteration sounds like a bad idea - because if you perform an Add or Remove while you re iterating over the list, that will invalidate the iterator. List<T> certainly wouldn t like that, for example.

Would your use case allow callers to take out a ReaderWriterLockSlim around their whole process of iteration, instead of on a per-item basis? That would be more efficient and more robust. If not, how are you planning to deal with the concurrency issue? If a writer adds an element earlier than the place where I ve got to, a simple implementation would return the same element twice. The opposite would happen with a removal - the iterator would skip an element.

Finally, is .NET 4.0 an option? I know there are some highly optimised concurrent collections there...

EDIT: I m not quite sure what your current situation is in terms of building an iterator by hand, but one thing that you might want to investigate is using a struct for the IEnumerator<T>, and making your collection explicitly declare that it returns that - that s what List<T> does. It does mean using a mutable struct, which makes kittens cry all around the world, but if this is absolutely crucial to performance and you think you can live with the horror, it s at least worth a try.



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