Alright, so this is absolutely killing me... If anyone could help me, I would be the happiest man on the face of the earth...
So, I need to create a C++ email client for a project at school, and I ve been using the POCO open source C++ library, and I ve been fine for working with email servers that do not need SSL authentication, but anything that DOES require SSL, I ve had no luck...
Here is the documentation for POCO:
When you go there, you have to click on POCO:Net, and then in the bottom left frame, there is a bunch of documentation for different NET objects... I ve particularly been using POP3ClientSession.
I ve installed OpenSSL and compiled the library with SSL support, but nothing seems to work... I ve also followed this tutorial:
If ANYONE has experience with POCO, or is just 1337 at SSL/C++, if you could help me get this working I would very much appreciate it! I ve been working on this for the past 12 hours straight just to get SSL working, and have had 0 luck.
Well one of the things I m not even quite sure about is if I compiled it with SSL correctly... I installed OpenSSH on my machine, and recompiled everything (took an hour!!!). I seemed to have everything compiled, but when I went to use it with the following include statement:
#include "Poco/Net/SecureStreamSocket.h"
Which is what the documentation told me to do, I got an error... They compiled in a folder called NetSSL_OpenSSL, so i took the headers and sources and copied them into the appropriate place in the Net folder, hoping for it to work. Afterwords I got another error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: Poco/Crypto/X509Certificate.h : No such file or directory I dont see Crypto anywhere...
But I do have the X509Certificate.h file... I even went as far as changing Crypto in the source to Net (because its the net folder that is now holding this file), but as I expect, that blew up in my face...
So, I guess the main question would be the following:
How can I send emails using POP3 with SSL sockets instead of the standard sockets used by the POP3ClientSession?