I started using the jOra eclipse plugin. The plugin seems pretty robust and I m hoping to stop using SQLDeveloper for 95% of my database needs.
Many of our tables have columns of type TIMESTAMP with LOCAL TIME ZONE. I can connect to the oracle DB using a jdbc string and the plugin seems to function very well. However, when I try to update one of these TIMESTAMP with LOCAL TIME ZONE values, I get a sql exception: java.sql.SQLException: connection session time zone was not set.
Does anyone know how I can set the time zone through the jdbc connection url? jOra doesn t seem to support adding custom connection properties, so the connection URL is really my only option.
Update: Running version 1.0.1, which I believe is the latest version.
Update2: Apparently I can perform an update statement in the sql worksheet just fine, just can t use their detail browser interface to update.