I m trying to convert images taken from a capture (webcam) and do some processing on them with OpenCV, but I m having a difficult time..
When trying to convert the image to grayscale, the program crashes. (Python.exe has stopped working)
Here is the main snippet of my code:
newFrameImageGS = cv.CreateImage ((320, 240), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
for i in range(0,5):
newFrameImage = cv.QueryFrame(ps3eye)
When I try using cvConvertScale I get the assertion error:
src.size() == dst.size() && src.channels() == dst.channels()
which makes sense, but I m pretty confused on how to go about converting the input images of my web cam into images that can be used by functions like cvUpdateMotionHistory() and cvCalcOpticalFlowLK()
Any ideas? Thanks.
I converted the image to grayscale manually with this:
for row in range(0,newFrameImage.height):
for col in range(0,newFrameImage.width):
newFrameImageGS[row,col] = (newFrameImage8U[row,col][0] * 0.114 + # B
newFrameImage8U[row,col][1] * 0.587 + # G
newFrameImage8U[row,col][2] * 0.299) # R
But this takes quite a while.. and i still can t figure out why cvCvtColor is causing the program to crash.