I m making a website with two different databases. Let s say one is DB1, and the other is DB2. I ve set up my database.php in the config folder, so they each have the correct host/password/username/database etc with db[ DB1 ][ hostname ] and the other db[ DB2 ][ hostname ] etc, so I m pretty sure I ve got that part right.
According to CodeIgniter docs, I m supposed to do $this->load->database( DB1 ) to get that one to work within my model. First, I put it in my constructor for my model, and it didn t work. Then I tried putting that line as the first line of every function in the model, and that didn t work. I m still getting this error:
Error Number: 1146
Table DB2.stores doesn t exist
When I m trying to use DB1, and have done $this->load->database( DB1 ) as the first line of the model s function. Does anyone know what I m doing wrong? Thanks!